Such A Wonderful Day

I had a shopping spree with my dearest pal today :).
Ironically, she and I have known each other for almost three years and it was our first time going on a shopping together.

Anyway it was a pretty good time for me. I bought a pair of new shoes, after much attempts at trying the shoes, and I finally made up my mind on which one I should buy. They were black again, I can't believe that my love for black bordered on obsession. I got a pair of denim skirt, it was my first time buying such kind of skirt and it cost me $33! Well, I would have expected it to be expansive, the cost of living has increased nowadays, so there should be no suprise at the cost of the skirt. That was why I did't have a single spasm of hesitation when buying the skirt.

We bumped into some of our classmates at the shopping centre and had a little chat. When we decided to go home at around 5pm and our dearest HX told me that she was going to the toilet, so I accompanied her to the washroom. While on the way back to the MRT station, I spotted this lovely dress and I felt a strong desire of wanting it. So I spent again. I managed to pursuade HX to get one too(cuz they said it was 2 for $40). So we both had one of the same dress. She got the green one and I took the orange one. Colorful right? Although I was overwhelmed by the dress, somehow I still felt my hert bleed when I paid for the dress. Afterwards I went to Popular to get myself some colour pens and a note pad. And I couldn't believe that I'd spent almost a hundred dollars! Such a spendthrift I am!

I shall never spend again! I promise! (Cross my heart!)

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